Cast of characters








Mr Go








Steamy Gangsters  





Fast-forward to Jiri Mountain.




Hiking back down the trail with Go, Fred was dizzy and disoriented from the rapid consumption of rice wine.





Yet by the time they got down to the parking lot 45 minutes later, it had worked its way through his system and he felt completely relaxed and at peace with himself.




Back in the car as they drove out of the park, he realized how much the mountains are a part of the Korean soul.





Mr Go represented the classic, vintage Korean man: an exceedingly kind and brotherly man, as much a part of the hiking experience as the trails and peaks.




Fred got to thinking that if he had even a few friends like Go he could stay in Korea a long time.




* Do you think Fred will stick it out in Korea for the long haul? *




Traffic was now slow-moving and often stationary. The holiday exodus was in full swing – that is, full bottleneck.




“I will drive you back to Chinju,” Go said, “and then I will continue to countryside. The highway is very busy now so we must be patient.”




“So if it took 3 hours to get here, how long to get back?”




Go paused. “Maybe six hours.”




“Are you kidding? Just to Chinju?” Fred felt guilty that Go was going out of his way for him.





He wondered if he should just tag along with the estranged owner to the countryside, and save him hours of driving.





Go waved him off. “Thank you Fred but if you go with me it is a very long trip! It will take 12 hours minimum. One year it took me 24! Maybe you go crazy!”




“How can you Koreans put up with these traffic jams?”





Fred looked out the front and back windows and saw nothing but barely moving vehicles bumper to bumper.




“We cherish the family meeting,” Go said.




“But you waste so much time and gas.”




“We have no choice. We must visit our parents and grandparents. It is our duty. Family is very important in Korea.”




“I agree, but the entire day driving?”




“You Canadians have made your lives too scientific and dry. Sometimes you must tolerate inconvenience in order to truly enjoy life.”




* Do you agree? *








They’d been on the road over four hours and were getting close to Chinju.




“Faster than expected, eh Mr Go? Looks like you’ll be able to head to the country early.”




“Yeah, yeah. Oh! Mr Fred have you been to a Korean public bath house? Look, we’re ahead of schedule so I have some free time. If you like we can go there now. OK?”




Fred was happy that Go was taking a break from the driving. To be honest, the estranged boss didn’t look good. He was pale and his eyes were shattered.




If Fred didn’t take a break with him now, duty would compel Go to get right back on the road for his marathon trip.




Several minutes later they pulled up to a smallish, two-story red brick building with a neon symbol along the top shaped like a stone with flames rising out of it.





Fred had seen the symbol before but hadn’t clued in to the meaning. This was like discovering a secret place.




“This particular sauna has natural spring water,” Go explained. “Very good for your health.”




In the lobby, Go slipped some money under a cashier’s window. The facility was segregated into men’s and women’s sides.





Females of all ages were disappearing in one door, Go and Fred in the other.




Inside, they took off their shoes and put them in little wooden cubby holes. The attendant gave them locker keys.





In the changing area Fred had only half his clothes off when he became acutely aware of two scrawny, pre-teen Korean boys in their birthday suits standing nearby staring.




“Hey!” Fred said, “How’s it going?”




The boys looked at each other, laughed and then ran off. Go had already stripped-down and was waiting at a smoky glass door which led to the bath compound.




“You go first,” Fred said.




Go waved him off. “I wait for you. Take your time.”








Tomorrow: Fred and Go soak up some steam.