Cast of characters








Mrs Won













Fred tossed and turned all night. He woke up early – 5:30 – and his mind was racing.




Oddly, he heard Mrs Won on her way out so he quickly stuck his head out of his room, simply to make contact with someone before sinking into the abyss of loneliness that the apartment had become these days.




“Leaving already Mrs Won?”




There was a pause and it seemed his casual inquiry would go unanswered.





Fred had observed that Koreans are very good at pretending not to hear.




Finally, at a distance and without eye contact, Won said, “Mr Fred, there is rice in the cooker and soup on the stove. Help yourself and eat lots.”




She clicked the door shut behind her and Fred made his way to the kitchen table. A deep existential angst overcame him.





Usually he enjoyed silence because it is so rare in Korea yet this morning it was absolutely deafening.




Outside the kitchen window a light snow fluttered down.





He went out on the balcony, tip-toed around the knee-high bags of stinky, wet garbage and glanced down.




The parking lot out back had its usual cramped-up formation of vehicles –





up on curbs, up on the public patios and walkways, blocking fire hydrants –





but not a person in sight. Further away, the small mountains rose up behind Good Lucky Apartments.




Before, Fred had gone for walks in those mountains early in the morning. This particular morning he was desultory and lackluster.




The mere thought of hiking induced immediate exhaustion. Fred admitted to himself that he was depressed.





His decision yesterday to covertly slip out of Korea had invigorated him then; now it seemed like just another inert idea.




* Will he still do it? *




The mild yet persistent stench of the wet garbage filled Fred’s nostrils so he retreated back inside.





He noticed that Won had left her bible on the kitchen table, enclosed in a zip-up case.




Perhaps it was a small act of fate.





Seeking spiritual solace he picked it up, unzipped it, and searched for a kernel of wisdom.




Fred wasn’t religious yet would occasionally flip open a bible and read bits and pieces.





Now, as he flipped through the pages, a key could be heard clicking into the tumblers of the apartment’s front door.




Won re-entered and rushed to the kitchen.




“Excuse me Mr Fred,” she said in a panic, her eyes searching about. “Cleaning Lady and I are going to church.”




“Oh! Perhaps you’re looking for this?” He held out the bible.




Won seemed taken aback that he’d been looking at it. “Oh! Do you want? It’s okay! I can get another one…”




Fred waved her off and handed it over. Won was rushing yet Fred sensed she was hiding something and trying to leave quickly to avoid him.




“Mrs Won…” He suddenly felt awkward confronting her. “Is everything okay?”




“Mr Fred, so sorry I am in a big hurry. Before going to church I must visit the police station.




* How come? *




“Last night Hot Sauce returned to Cleaning Lady’s house very late. Police accompanied her. She had been drinking with a friend.




“Fred they drank twelve bottles of soju!”




* Is Hot Sauce okay?! *




Fred shuddered and shook his head.




Won waved him off. “She is okay. She has a strong stomach. Maybe she resembles her father in that way!




“Cleaning Lady made a special batch of hangover soup for her this morning before getting her off to school.”




Fred was amazed. “How can she do that – go to school sick like that?”




“Thank you for the concern,” Won replied in an it’s-not-your-concern-type of tone. “Maybe Hot Sauce misses her father.





She will return home when he returns.




“As you know I am very busy trying to help him. This morning, after I go to the police station, Cleaning Lady and I will go to church.”





“I will pray very very hard for my husband.”




She scurried toward the door. “Oh Fred! Today is very cold. Be careful not to catch a cold.”




Despite the hurried exchange, Fred felt a little more connected.




He admired how Won could so selflessly dedicate herself to supporting her ill, institutionalized husband –





and how she’d just offered to loan Fred her cherished bible. That helping, selfless spirit was inspiring.








Tomorrow: Fred decides to take some action.