Cast of characters








Mr E








Mr Go




Miss No













E and Dame returned from hunting and re-entered the big warm soju tent.




Fred and Go were already back from the bonfire, relieved that Miss No hadn’t seen them.




Dame looked over toward the kitchen counter – “Ajasshi!” – and held up a fistful of money.




“Another round for this table, probably our last so bring a premium brand. Chinese soju – OK?!”




Fred to Dame: “Didn’t expect to see you and back here so soon. Struck out with the ladies?”




“We chatted up a few. I offered them all the same deal: Marry me tonight, divorce me tomorrow.”




Fred chuckled. Then Dame became more serious. “Suddenly Miss No came out of nowhere and started yelling at Go and me – telling us to get back here and stay off the beach.”




“She said if we saw you to tell you the same thing.”




Fred’s face contorted with inquisitiveness. “What’s with all the sudden concern?”




“Dunno. Mr E figured it best we just follow her orders.” Dame snickered and looked over at E, who was already back on the phone.




“She also told him to call her every fifteen minutes until further notice. After their shaky make-up outside the men’s can, he’s on probation.”




“Game over!” E said, snapping his phone shut and getting up. “Gentlemen, Donna and Miss No are waiting for us in the car.”




“She is ordering us all to the roadside motel. Apparently they are very tired and need their beauty sleep.”




“It’s an excuse,” Dame said. “Something’s up with her but…” He shrugged. “…for your sake buddy, we’d better go.”




He glanced over at the soju tent owner and snapped his finger gingerly. “Ajasshi, where’s that premium soju? One more for the road. Pali, pali!”




“Yeah, yeah,” and the owner hurried over with the tray of soju shots, which the guys quickly downed along with final cigarette puffs.




Then Go and E raced over to the counter to pay the bill; Dame wanted to fork over some cash but his stomach was doing nasty things again and he figured it best to stay put.




* Will Dame be okay? *




Fred noticed that one of the bottles on their table still had dregs in it. In a ballsy outburst, he raised it to his lips and tilted it back. “K-k-k-k-k!”




Dame was astonished. “I’ve never seen you drink soju before. You’re a soju virgin no more!”




Fred had to force down the contents. “Hey, this could be my last night in Korea. Cheers!”




Then his face twisted from the after-bite and he slammed the empty bottle down on the table.




Dame eyed-up a still half-full shot glass of the expensive Chinese soju. It was a crime to leave it but with his bad stomach he dismissed the idea of one-upping Fred.




“True enough, Freddy, you could very well be gone tomorrow. Cheers! I envy you. Wish I was leaving this God-forsaken place … for good.”




He and Fred caught up to Go and E and all four of them headed out the exit arm-in-arm.




“Go in peace!” the owner shouted after them, the standard Korean farewell.




“Stay in peace!” the Koreans responded – the standard response.





Outside, the first thing they saw was a giant scoreboard-sized digital clock high on the side of a beachside hotel: 12:56 A.M.




The beach had almost completely cleared within the last hour.




“Where’d everyone go?” Fred asked.




“They’ve returned to their vehicles to sleep or go to a seaside motel,” E explained. “Everyone will get up early to catch the sunrise.”




“That’s the main attraction of coming to the beach – that first sunrise.”




* Will the group be coming back in time for the sunrise? *




The now thinned-out lot where they’d parked the car made it easier to find it, further facilitated by Miss No.




She was already inside and incessantly honking the horn.




“Why, why, why?” E squawked irritably as he got in the driver’s seat and fired up the ignition.




“Let’s go!” No ordered. “Pali, pali. We’ve been waiting for you. Why take so long? We need to get off this beach and to safety.








Tomorrow: Dame and Fred take a walk.