Health & Fitness & Gyms
80 comics.
MT#928 Granny Fitness Freak by mARTy West + Art by Sam Bush
MT#939 Gym Narcissist by mARTy West and Harshpreet Kaur
MT#940 Gym Practical Joke by mARTy West & Sam Bush
MT#1156 Skateboarder at Edmonton Military Garrison park
MT#1182 New Martoons by Marty West
MT#1188 Gym Weirdo – refurbished martoons by marty west and POPPY HARPER
MT#1189 Bosu Ball – refurbished martoons by marty west and POPPY HARPER
MT#1190 Clean Gym – refurbished martoons by marty west + naomi
MT#1204 new martoons by marty west and NALIESY
MT#1198 Gym Teas for tough guys
MT#1299 A tree at the foot of a trail …
MT#1300 … your gym down the street has a new guy – do you recognize his “footprint” ??
MT#1318 More laughs back at the gym…
MT#1327 Who’s the hot new hunk?