Hi Martoons fan!
Remember these bumper stickers from last year? I call it a comfort zone. How so? Think of comfort food. Not really any good for you but an easy chew. Makes you feel better but not really good for your health. Perhaps folks liked this slogan about the prime minister because then they didn’t have to deal with Trudeau in their mind. They made their mind up about him and dismissed him.
Yet look around the world these days. Read a bit of history, if you can be bothered, and you will see that Trudeau’s not that bad. But it’s easy and safe (!) to just chuck him in the garbage and move on to the next ‘cancel culture’.
A personal anecdote for you: Someone sullied my reputation recently and after ruminating on it for a few months, I realized I had enough dirt on them to possibly get them fired. What did i do? Nothing. It’s hard enough out there to get a job so why should I put someone in the street, even if they did do something stupid to me and didn’t seem to care? I sucked up their damage to me, figuring mayabe they will smarten up some other way, without having to possibly lose their job.
Oh, hey, and about Trudeau – whether or not you like him or not, or even respect him or not, if you think you can do better why not give it a try. Easy to stick a tacky bumper sticker on your vehicle and drive around in that comfort zone.
Cheers, Marty West, editor, martoons.
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