Hi Martoons fan – I notice that personal space is getting tighter and tighter and more rigidly enforced by folks these days, especially younger folks who grew up with phones in front of their faces! for example, surely this has happened to you. You meet someone in a room like a library and you generate some rapport. However, the minute you step out of that room the rapport vanishes and the history of that meeting is gone. It’s like it never happened. Often, if you run into that person in the future, even the near future, it’s as if that first meeting never happened and you have to start from scratch. I’m all for opening up personal space much wider, which may lead to more associations between folks over a longer term. Also, i urge folks to add a bit of a memory to their associations with others so that if we talked a week ago and we run into each other again, that previous talk may count for something. LIBERATE PERSONAL SPACE. BE HUMAN. CUT OTHERS SOME SLACK. TALK TO THEM, REMEMBER THE CONVERSATION, BUILD CONTINUITY. Cheers, marty west, editor of martoons, and arm-chair socialogist and pop psychologist LOL.