Hi mARToons fan!


Hey people!


Stop making personal calls to others who you know are working at that time.


Today I’m talking to this lady in an office and she keeps getting beeps and dings off her phone, indicating that someone is calling her.


I inferred that it was a personal call because she didn’t answer it.


But the main thing is each of the few times that this happened during my 3-5 minute talk with her, I felt like I had to rush because now she was waiting to get to that call.


Maybe she wasn’t, but that’s how I felt.


It’s pretty simple – keep your personal phone tucked away invisible and inaudible until your breaks.


Get the job done.


And if someone is in your office to talk about work, give them your full attention.


End of lecture! LOL!!!!


Cheers, mARTy West, editor, clickmARToons.com


Contact me at west_martin@hotmail.com

social media etiquette