Hi mARToons fan!


This cartoon is from the now-available Martoons 2020 Dementia Calendar, sure to be a worldwide bestseller!


And today’s image, like many in the calendar, is closely linked to actual happenings.


In this case, the activity lady at my mom’s dementia home in New Zealand was asking the residents what their favorite song was from the past.


She asked one fellow if he had a favorite song from before and he said that he had … but now he’d forgotten it.


And this, like many events I saw at the home, is not such a terrible thing: The guy himself laughed his head off after.


The brain gets old. We forget stuff.


It CAN be terrifying. But it can also be funny.


And I’m sure you will find most of the next few weeks’ dementia cartoons humourous – I sure found the experiences comical and they prompted me to get out my sketch pad.

Cheers, mARTy West, editor, clickmARToons.com


Contact me at west_martin@hotmail.com

dementia, martoons 2020 dementia calendar