MT#875 Stop Covid T-shirt
Hi mARToons fan!
Folks are obviously “conflicted” (or “confused” as we used to say back in the day) about the flus and colds issue.
They flock to stores to hoard stuff (those that have cash that is) yet, if the flu ever struck them, would they really self-isolate?
Some dude or dudette out there wakes up with a hankering for a Tom Hilton’s coffee but realizes he/she has none left.
Are they actually truly just going to suck it up and go without for the rest of their self-isolation period?
Call me cynical, but I just can’t see it.
In a society where it is part of the culture to encourage people to do their own thing, discipline of any sort is in short supply when it comes to upholding the “greater good.”
But, I’ve been proven wrong many times before – very wrong – so let us see what happens.
mARTy West, editor,
Social Media Editor: Thomas Rawling,
#covid, #coronavirus, #self-isolation
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