Today: Fred struggles with disappointment – in his meeting with Donna and in himself.




Cast of characters

















* Donna’s mysterious phone call *





“Maybe,” Donna said, “I can get my old job back.”




She gazed down into her tea cup and ran her fingertip lightly around its edge.




“Oh!” She sat up straight and put her cup on the table.




“Something really weird happened this morning. My mom actually told me somebody from Korea called me before I got up. I’m so depressed these days! I’m sleeping in!




“Anyway, would you have any idea why someone from Korea would be calling me?”




Fred was still in self-flagellation mode – burning up with guilt.




“Honestly, I have no idea.”




Donna chuckled.




“Actually, I’m not so sure that really happened. I’ve been having vivid dreams about Korea last couple of nights.




“I’m pretty sure I was dreaming when my mom came in my room and told me about the call but… That might even have been in the dream too. Probably was!”





She hunched back down in her chair.




“By the way, how’s your brother – that film school guy?” Fred asked.




“Damion? He’s graduated and got his certificate,” she said disinterestedly.




“Says he wants to travel, for a little while anyway. It will have to be a very little while – he’s broke.”




Donna tipped the last of her cup of tea up to her lips, straightened herself out, and started to get up.




The meeting was over. “Well, time to get on with this day.”




* Do you think Donna’s given up on the Korea job thing? *




Fred hated to see the meeting end on this disappointing note.




“Look, Donna, let me keep working on your file. From what Master Lee told me, there are tons of jobs in Korea. Don’t give up.




“We’ll get you over there, sooner rather than later. After all, your documents are over there now…”




Donna’s attitude had shifted and Fred could feel it.




She held out her hand for a handshake. “Don’t worry about it. You tried. Koreans are hard to deal with. I know – I am one! Thank God I can live at my parents for a while or I’d really be up shit’s creek.”




She shook her head. “Geez, how stupid of me to quit my job and give up my place. Talk about counting your chickens before they’re hatched!”




She turned to leave. “Good luck … I guess.”




She wasn’t even looking at Fred and her handshake was limp.




* Is Fred’s reputation destroyed? *




Fred was speechless.




What could he say?




He returned to the solitary confinement of waiting in his room for his visa.




Was this new round of delays the Gods’ revenge on him for dilly-dallying with Donna?




He’d truly hung her out to dry.




Even though it wasn’t really his fault at all, a small group of Koreans whom he’d never met had made him look bad.




He was frustrated because those same Koreans wouldn’t suffer at all – money or reputation.




It hadn’t cost them anything to change their mind at the last minute based on silly, emotional reasons: that Donna looked too Korean – and they preferred white!




But now that he’d seen what they were capable of this early in the game, he had to be all the more careful and tactful so as not to screw anybody else over.




Word would quickly get around and the recruiting gig would be shot.




In the next few days Thomas’ ex harassed Fred with more frequent and nasty phone calls.




He stopped answering his phone and unplugged his answering machine.




Actually, he started – for the first time – looking forward to his quick mission to Korea.




He could leave everything behind for a few weeks and maybe stuff would blow over by the time he got back.








Tomorrow: Fred gets a call from Korea – but not one that is promising.