Hi mARToons fan!


Yes – weight room etiquette is a favorite mARToons topic.


And you know what I’ve noticed?


Weight room goers who “tune out” their surroundings by wearing those huge headphones might want to ratchet the volume down a bit so they can hear others who may want to communicate with them.




This week at the weight room, I gestured to a user (who seemed to be finished with a machine) that I wanted to use it if he was done.


He had his headphones on so all he saw was me pointing to the machine.


“Just one set,” I said but he didn’t hear that and slinked away thinking I was kicking him off the machine.


“Just one set!” I repeated, but he couldn’t hear.


So, possible bad feeling.


Hard to socialize, even minimally, if you have those headphones cranked up to drown everyone else around you out.


Cheers, mARTy West, editor, clickmARToons.com


Contact: west_martin@hotmail.com

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