Hi mARToons fan!


Hey man, I don’t get your cartoon today, man.


OK, man, let me explain: Go back to the 1980s, man.


That’s when society’s obsession with safety began.


That’s when all of a sudden we couldn’t do fun things we used to do because of “liability concerns.”


Sadly, man, it’s gotten worse since then.


By the way, today’s cartoon is based on a true story.


And there are also blow up toys for pools and the lake that are just smeared with safety warnings.


One wonders if some of them would hold up in court as they are warnings for young children who probably can’t even read them!




mARTy West, editor, clickmARToons.com Email: west_martin@hotmail.com


Social Media Editor: Thomas Rawling (Quesnel, BC) at thomasrawling@gmail.com

#balloon store near me, #safety warnings for balloons, #safety warnings for pool toys