#shopping centre near me, #home dna kit, #racism, #privileged white guy

Hi mARToons fan!


It doesn’t seem to matter how much you read up on a subject,


how much you think it through,


how much you consider all counter arguments and respond to them,


how logical you are,


how much research you’ve done on an issue,


how many people you’ve taken time out of your busy day to talk to (even if some of them don’t want to talk to you),


IF YOU ARE A PRIVILEGED WHITE GUY you might as well not even bother.


Undoubtedly as you state your case as articulately as possible,


choosing your words carefully, drawing reasonable conclusions that  are as much in the public interest as practically possible, a detractor in the audience will heckle you with the dismissive, “You’re just a privileged white guy, easy for you to say” so … why even bother?


Hence, mARToons cartoons will soon disappear from this site TO BE REPLACED WITH THE MARTOONS STORE.


We privileged white guys at clickmARToons.com will keep our mouths shut (starting soon!) and put the goods up on the table for you to buy.


Stay tuned! Cheers, mARTy West, editor, clickmARToons.com