Dedicated to all students of the JFK killing: You can give up now.
33 comics.
MT#83 JFK: Unsolvable Murder by Martin West
MT#247 Wiggle Room by Martin West
MT#297 Homeless Diplomat by Martin West
MT#406 Privacy Politics by Martin West
MT#407 Vote for Mom! by Martin West
MT#408 Blah Blah by Martin West
MT#409 Phone Candidate by Martin West
MT#410 Wonderful by Martin West
MT#412 Machine by Martin West
MT#413 Fido by Martin West
MT#414 Crunch by Martin West
MT#42 Hot Air by Martin West
MT#848 Pipeline Consultation by mARTy West
MT#956 Home DNA Kit by mARTy WEst
MT#972 Based on an idea from Dr. Nielsen, Urologist, Duncan, BC Canada
MT#1034 The Year 2020 in Review: Politics
MT#1069 Educating the up-and-coming with relevant political skills
MT#1101 A Fresh Start at the top for the Canadian Military
MT#1114 The military elite will try to craft words to get their client off in court
MT#1116 What is something about elections we all love to hate?
MT#1139 “Never mind that man behind the curtain”
MT#1186 Alberta Votes. New Political Martoons by Tia and Marty West.
MT#1316 Hey World: There’s an election happening in BC, Canada …